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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

All Quiet on the CAT scan front

I had my first CT scan of the lung since they did the focused radiation on it in early May.  As expected, there is what they called a "frosty glass" type of spot exactly where the radiation was done that is very likely scar tissue.  Everything else was clear, so looks like the lung is fine.  All the blood work was also normal.

So I will be able to take our trip to Italy with no worries.  Yeah!

I will have an MRI to ensure the brain remains clear on October 10, so that is our next major date. 

On August 20, we had a party to mark the one year anniversary of my lung cancer diagnosis.  In spite of some rain at the beginning, it turned into a lovely day and a joyous time to celebrate the progress that has occurred in that year's time.  Thanks to all who have supported me and shared this journey with me.

Ciao for now!