I've written a very simple, brief booklet called A Survivor's Quick Tips for Managing Cancer that is meant to be used for quick and easy reference for people dealing with cancer. It is free for downloading at www.quicktipsformanagingcancer.com and you are welcome to view, download and print it as well as share it with anyone you think it might help.
I've known I wanted to share my experience with others since early into my diagnosis so I've been collecting thoughts and ideas for a couple years before I wrote the booklet.
My intention is for people to scan the table of contents, find a topic that looks interesting to them, read the page (each topic is no longer than one 4 x 6 page) and be done (unless another topic interests them at that time). The small size is intended to make it portable to fit in a purse or back pocket so people can easily refer to it when they are thinking about something related to managing their cancer.
I learned how to build a website on my own to house the booklet so it can be a free download (using Kindle or Nook requires you charge people). I am now looking for an organization to help with the cost of printing hard copies, which I'd like to leave in oncology waiting rooms and cancer wellness centers. I'll also be contacting a lot of cancer support organizations and hospitals to spread the word about the booklet. If you know of an individual or an organization that would be interested in accessing the booklet, please send the link to the website to them. My vision is to get the booklet in the hands of anyone who can benefit from it.