I had my CAT scan and blood work along with a visit with Irene, Dr. B's nurse today and all remains well. That's the good news.
But the good news was eclipsed by some very heartbreaking news. I learned that my dear friend and lung cancer mentor, Marla, died on May 3. She was a ray of light to anyone who knew her. Her eyes danced with life and positivity. When she was down, she would disappear off the grid so you never saw it. I sensed things were going badly because I hadn't heard from her in quite some time. But I wasn't prepared for this. Marla was diagnosed with lung cancer just over a year before I was. She was there for me in the darkest hours. I always adored her, but after my cancer diagnosis, she was my inspiration. This is a real loss for me and for this world. My condolences to her loved ones and friends, of which there are many. She was someone special.