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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Glad to be a Mutant!

I got some very exciting news this evening.  Dr. Law left a message on my voice mail that I do indeed have the genetic marker for the EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) mutation and am therefore a good candidate for the Tarceva drug treatment.  This is the news I'd been hoping for.

Here is an explanation from Wikipedia: 

Mutations involving EGFR could lead to its constant activation which could result in uncontrolled cell division – a predisposition for cancer.  Consequently, mutations of EGFR have been identified in several types of cancer, and it is the target of an expanding class of anticancer therapies. Tarceva has been having success in directly targeting EGFR.   EGFR positive patients have shown an impressive 60% response rate which exceeds the response rate for conventional chemotherapy. 

Additionally, according to Dr. Bonomi, Tarceva has had success in treating both lung and brain tumors, something that traditional chemo doesn't do too well because of the blood/brain barrier in our bodies.  Dr. Bonomi also told me that having this marker improves the chances of success if I have to use some other chemo treatments down the line as well.  


Susan said...

That is wonderful news!! Glad to hear you are a candidate for what sounds like a successful treatment.

K8t said...

Perfect! You deserve this news! You know, DL, I was thinking about long ago when you used the expression "defining times" to describe people LC serves. We have used that expression ever since as it so perfectly describes where people are that we tape But I realized today, while thinking about you (which I have been doing constantly since we spoke Wednesday) that "defining times" really means that how you respond to the situation is the definition of who you are...the situation doesn't define you...and you are exhibiting it every step of the way right now...I hear in your words the focus you have and the calm beneath the storm. Just who you have always been. You are so loved, DL. K8t

Anonymous said...

That is great news! Hope you enjoy your holiday weekend,
:-). Shawna

Laura said...

Fantastic! What a great way to start the weekend!


Tena Russ said...

Wow, this is fabulous news!

@Kate: love what you wrote about "defining times."

Unknown said...

DL- so awesome to hear this news for you! Have had hope for you all along and it continues! I also love and appreciate what Kate said... the calm beneath the storm nails you. A great quote I read recently also defines you well...

We are not defined by our circumstances but rather how we react to them... (not sure who's quote that is, so today it's mine).

Love you my new old friend~ Beej.

(OMG - do you remember our 'Beep / Bijiggy' monikers? That just this moment came flooding back!)

Peg said...

Excellent news, DonnaLee! Thank you for creating this blog, so that those of us who love & admire you may accompany you on this journey. Love, Peg

K8t said...

Thanks so much for posting this blog, DL! I can check in without bugging you and Doug. I have been checking in each day as I think of you two each day! Just know that you can call me any time.

Forever your friend, K8t

Pookie said...

Mutants rule!