This post is in memory of Bob Harmon who died yesterday. Bob was our friend Matt's father who was diagnosed with lung cancer many years ago and has battled multiple rounds of the cancer's recurrence throughout the years to live well beyond his initial prognosis, all the while surviving his wife's own battle with cancer after she finally succumbed to it after defying the odds as well. Although I didn't know Bob personally, he was kind enough to reach out to me when Matt told him I was diagnosed with lung cancer and share his and his wife's experiences as a source of comfort, knowledge and inspiration to fight. I will forever be grateful. Rest in peace, Bob and my heartfelt condolences to Matt, Becky and the rest of the Harmon family.
I think the fog of the radiation is starting to gradually clear. Although I still feel spacey a lot of the time, I've been able to concentrate on things long enough to get some work and volunteer project tasks done each day. Yesterday was especially productive so I am encouraged that I am getting closer to normalizing. It has been two weeks since I completed the radiation and I recall the doctors saying the side effects last about two weeks. I am still pretty fatigued by the end of each night right now though. The radiation burn on my neck is healing, although I still have about a 2 inch scab there. The burn on the forehead is fully healed. I have just 2 more days left to finish off the steroids and in spite of the fact that I am up at 4 a.m. right now, overall I have been sleeping better. My right hand is still very shaky but I can write about a sentence at a time with it so there is improvement there as well. I've been on Tarceva for one week with no ill effects so far and hoping that lasts as long as possible. So all in all, things are going well.
Thanks for sharing, DL...these postings make those of us who are far away feel a bit more attached...thanks for attending to us, LOL! I am counting the days til I get there - can't wait to see you! Love, K8t
You are my hero. If you are up for it, I thought
I'd come down for lunch with you and your
mom. It's been almost a year since I raided
her jewelry box. :). Besides the fact that I miss
you...a dose of Marilynisms always does the
body good!
Also, I've been meaning to tell you how
you've become part of my yearly "no bullying"
lesson about how family members can bully
others! I've been sharing this for years with my
students who are shocked when I tell them that
I was a bully and my cousin Doon was the victim!
They sit there wide eyed when I tell them how
I used intimidation, loud voice, cornered you, and
threatened you to tell me if the Easter bunny
was real. Omg, Donna cracks them up
everytime, but it was horrible for you! I giggle
About it every year, but tell it very seriously.
It's the perfect example of bullying in the family.
The next lessons throughout the year are more
serious. Anyway, that brings a smile
when I think about it. Luv u.
Very nice of you to mention Bob. We like to think of him as the fighter who beat the odds for 14 years and who didn't let his diagnosis deprive him of living his life to the fullest.
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