I saw my oncologist, Dr. Bonomi yesterday and my neurologist, Dr. Angelopolous today and all the signs are positive and everything is looking good. My blood work was all in the normal range. They both thought I looked very well.
The Tarceva rash has so far been very mild. This may be due to the pre-emptive anti-biotics I have been taking, but whatever the reason, it's good by me. Bonomi is not too concerned about the rash correllating to the efficacy of the Tarceva as he was part of the study that tried to establish that correlation and they were unsuccessful.
I will have a MRI for the brain and a CT for the chest/lung on November 30th so that is when we’ll find out what kind of progress we’ve made.
I've added a "subscription" gadget to the left column of this blog that should allow you to subscribe to the blog so you can be notified, or even read a new posting, directly through your email rather than having to check for a new post by coming to the blog site. I am new to all of this blog technology, so I am not certain how this will work, but it is worth a try. Since my postings are becoming less frequent now that things are settling down a bit, this will be a less cumbersome way to keep track of my progress for the readers, if it works.
I've added a "subscription" gadget to the left column of this blog that should allow you to subscribe to the blog so you can be notified, or even read a new posting, directly through your email rather than having to check for a new post by coming to the blog site. I am new to all of this blog technology, so I am not certain how this will work, but it is worth a try. Since my postings are becoming less frequent now that things are settling down a bit, this will be a less cumbersome way to keep track of my progress for the readers, if it works.
Thanks for taking care of all of us who love you through your blog, DL...you're the best! K8t
DL...Just like you to be thinking of us first! Read a great article by Dr. Bonomi in Rush's latest newsletter. He looks so kind. Thought your followers might want to know that Rush is having 2 upcoming free public seminars on Lung Cancer: 11/12 on New Developments in Lunch Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis and 11/16 on Lung Cancer Treatment Options. Details should be posted on www.rush.edu.
Thanks DonnaLee, for the good news and for the new widget. I think of you and Doug every day. Love to you--Peg
Hi DonnaLee (and Doug) - was just getting caught up on how you guys are doing and reading the blog. Glad to hear the news continues to be positive and we'll keep praying for that to continue. The subscription gadget is a great addition - will keep us notified of new info.
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