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Monday, September 8, 2014

A Frustrating and Sad Day

I don't have any news on my progress from the MRI today because my first appointment of the day was over an hour late and caused me to miss my scheduled MRI appointment that followed it. The radiology dept. could not fit me in until 5 pm so I didn't leave the hospital until after 6:00 p.m. after being there since 9:45 a.m. and not eating or drinking anything because of the MRI. Today was even more waiting around than usual with a lot of uncertainty of when and if all the procedures originally scheduled for today would get done. They ultimately were, but I won't get the results of the MRI until tomorrow or Wed.

While waiting, I received the tragically sad news that Doug's 24 year old cousin who had just recently completed her treatment for lymphoma died from related complications today.

When I worked on sending out messages this evening, I began to have computer issues as well.

It has been a very hard day.

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