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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Belated info on last doctors' reports

Once again, I apologize for a late update on recent doctors' visits.  No good excuse for the delay, other than general busy-ness (yes, I'm using that word again!) and the fact that there are no real big changes to report.

August 15, I had a CT scan on the lungs that showed stability and even some slight reduction in lesion size and number. Similar reports have come through the past few months for the head and lungs,  To me, that seems like a pretty strong argument to just keep doing what I am doing for a while.  I've decided against having the radiation treatment that I'd been discussing with Dr. Bonomi and Dr. Marwaha (radiation oncologist).

On Friday, August 12, I had an eye appointment with a new optometrist and although my eyes, seemed worse to me based on those crazy tests they do, he changed my lens prescription and lowed some of the powers of the lens adjustments.  All the other tests went well too - no signs of cataracts, macular degeneration or any other nastiness.

On Monday, August 22, I had an appointment with Dr. Angelopolous, my neurologist.  It was mostly bringing her up to date on the things that have been going on since we last met in early March (just before the seizure.)  She was glad to see the stability in the most recent reports.

The new Liftkar is working out really well and the caregiver confusion seems to have straightened out and it all is working out.

Coming up next on Monday, September 12 is a MRI to the brain and lower spine and the usual blood work and Avastin infusion. Long day!

Hope there won't be any news to report before then.  Happy Labor Day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wishing you a smooth 'long day' tomorrow, with good results.
Carol H.