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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Not a lot to report

I had my check-up appointment with my oncology nurse, Irene (Dr. B wasn't in that day) and the usual blood work panel.  No other scans or tests this trip.

The blood work looked good overall.  Irene thinks I am doing great.

My foot and calf continue to be numb and seem to be getting weaker.  The outer toes on the right foot have also become numb.  I have worked with physical therapists in both Northbrook, IL and Scottsdale, AZ to address this problem.  I am working with both of them, obviously the one in Arizona is just occasional phone call or email, but I like his ideas and approach even though it is a little different than the local therapist.  My hope is that they will collaborate to do what's best for me.

I'm doing my PT exercises daily and seeing the local PT twice a week.  Hopefully, this will improve things for me.  Crossing fingers!