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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Latest CAT scan results and medications

I had an appoint for a CAT scan to the lungs, blood work and consultation with Irene and Dr. Bonomi this past Monday, April 25.

The scan showed stability and even a slight reduction of size of the nodules in the chest.

There were no scans for the brain and spine - that will occur on May 23rd - so no new information available at this time on that.

Dr. B. wants me to add Avastin to my medical regimen.  He thinks it might be a boost to the Tarceva and make it more effective. Unfortunately, it is delivered via infusion so will add even more time for me in the hospital, which is already a long day every three weeks.  But if it can make things get better, it's worth it.

Dr. B strongly supports the Rehabilitation Therapy work I'm doing 3 hours 3 days a week.  He thinks the combination of Tarceva and Rehabilitation is my best bet for a recovery.  I sure hope this will work.  I am feeling more challenged by the lack of independent mobility, strength and stability than anything I have encountered so far throughout my dealings with cancer.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Radiation Consultation, Physical Therapy, and Wooden Railings

Yesterday, on Dr. Bonomi’s recommendation, I had a consulting appointment with Dr. Gaura Marwha, a radiation oncologist, to get his opinion of whether radiation to the Cauda Aquina (Horse’s Tail) would remove or reduce the numbness I feel in my left leg and foot.  After checking my reflexes and hearing my history with the cancer dispersing through the meningeal lining of the brain and spine, his recommendation is to just be watchful and stay on top of the MRIs.  He said that the best the radiation would be able to do is prevent the cancer in the meningeal lining from getting worse.  He thinks that the Tarceva and the physical therapy are the best hope for the numbness to go away and the balance and strength to get better.  I was not surprised by this conclusion. 

I think I have found a good way to handle the rigors of the physical therapy as of today.  I had been pushing hard to do the exercises quickly and efficiently over the past couple of weeks and I’ve wiped myself out to total exhaustion.  Today, I took a different approach.  I was deliberately slow and took several rest breaks throughout the 3 hour therapy session.  I was able to stay fairly fresh and complete all the exercises the therapists wanted me to do. 

Since 10:00 a.m., we’ve had a couple very skilled men putting in railings for me to help me go up and down the stairs.  They just left here at 7:00 putting finishing touches on the railings.  They’ve come up with some really great solutions.  You’ve never seen so many wooden railings in a house!  But they are beautiful wood and the house still looks good.

Overall, it seems that things continue to get better.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Slow but steady progress

On Monday, April 4, I had blood work and an appointment with Dr. Bonomi, my oncologist, and Irene my oncology nurse.  Both of them are very happy with my progress and think I am doing really well.  They feel that I am a lot more alert and acute than I had been a couple weeks ago. They are also satisfied with the blood work results.

I am not at all satisfied.  My balance is still way off and I am dependent on others to stabilize.  I am using a walker to get around.  Dr. B and Irene see this dissatisfaction as exactly the proof that I will get better.  I hope they are right, but I can't get back to normal quickly enough.

Doug noticed that in the two instances where I had a seizure, it was five months after the Tarceva was stopped. Dr B agreed to a steady dose of Tarceva that will be less irritating to my stomach.  We've also cut down on the steroids to two a day.

Dr. Bonomi also recommended I consult with Dr. Gaura Marwhaa about trying radiation on theCauda Equina (Horse's Tail) at the base of the spine.Like the meningial lining in the brain, the spine has a meningial lining that has been affected by cancer.  It is possible that that is what is causing the numbness to my left leg and foot.  I have a consultation set up for this Tuesday, April 11 with Dr. Marwhaa.  It will be interesting to see what he has to say.