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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

More Good Days than Bad Lately

Hi everyone,

I'm a couple days late on posting my latest medical results and related activities due to technical difficulties and general busy-ness (If you know a better way to spell that word, please let me know.)

The new caregiver is awesome and we are so delighted to have her.  Although I learned today that 
I will have to share her with other people I recommended her to.  I'll have a different caregiver from the same family group two days a week and the one we've been so impressed with over the last couple weeks will still work with us 3 days a week.

The Liftkar that we exchanged the previous one for is a million times better and I've been getting around the house and outside the house more often and with more ease.

The doctor's appointment last Monday at Rush had all good results.  Lungs are stable, for the most part.  Blood work improved overall and there are no new concerns.

I'm showing some slight improvement in strength and balance with physical therapy.

I'm not seeing myself standing or walking any better, but everyone else - Dr. Bonomi, Irene, Physical Therapist, Caregivers, and Doug all say so.

As always, I thank you for your interest, support and care.  This Saturday, August 20 marks 6 years since I received my diagnosis.  It has been quite a trip and I so appreciate you being there for me and taking an interest in my ride.


sue m said...


Both this news and hearing your voice today were awesome! Sometimes we are the last ones to see the results of all of our hard work. I'm so happy you are clearly making some progress. Celebrate you!

Unknown said...

DL, Six years is a long time to be showing such grace under pressure. That can’t be faked over the long haul. You are the real deal, an inspiration to all of us as we deal with so much less. We are routing for you. Kevin Pohlschmidt