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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Lung Biopsy

On Monday, August 23, I had a CT-guided lung biopsy performed by inserting a needle through my back and into my lung to pull out 4 or 5 tissue samples while they moved me back and forth into the CT scanner to make sure they steered the needle into the correct site - this was a somewhat difficult procedure since the mass is near my aorta.  The procedure lasted about an hour and 15 minutes under pain medication and very light sedation - I had to be alert to breathe in and out when requested.  As they take the samples, a technician evaluates them to see if they are good.  At the end of the procedure they will be submitted for further staining and analysis.  But after they finished the procedure, the doctor said that it looked pretty likely that the mass was lung cancer.

I will have the official report of the findings, including just what type of lung cancer it is, in about 3 days.  There is a chance that my oncologist, Dr. Law, may be able to get an oral report sooner - perhaps on Wednesday.  So now we wait.

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