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Thursday, October 28, 2010

All is Well

I know it has been over a week since I last posted to this blog, but there hasn't been any real new developments and I have had a lot of out-of-town company visiting that has been keeping me busy.   I am completely out of the radiation fog now so no longer spacey and feeling like my old self.  My energy is pretty good, although I am pretty tired by the end of the day.  I am sleeping through the night almost every night now.  The radiation burn at the base of my neck is almost gone - just a thin red line remains and it doesn't bother me at all.  The rash from the Tarceva is minimal and not causing me any real problems.  And finally, my right hand is getting better all the time and I can now write a paragraph or more at a time with my right hand. 

I will see Dr. Bonomi this Tuesday but don't expect to get any news.  I think he will just be checking for how I am reacting to the Tarceva.  We will no more about the progress of the cancer treatments after Thanksgiving when we do the CAT scan and brain MRI.  On Wednesday, I will see my neurologist, Dr. Angelopoulos for a check-in.  I probably won't post again until after these two appointments unless there are new developments in the meantime.

Thanks for checking on my progress here and for all of the concern and support you all continue to show me.  It makes all the difference!


Tena Russ said...

Great report card! Keep up the good work :-)

Anonymous said...

You and Doug are in our thoughts and prayers. We are impressed and encouraged by your strength.


Dave and Shelley Shaffer