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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Slow but steady progress

On Monday, April 4, I had blood work and an appointment with Dr. Bonomi, my oncologist, and Irene my oncology nurse.  Both of them are very happy with my progress and think I am doing really well.  They feel that I am a lot more alert and acute than I had been a couple weeks ago. They are also satisfied with the blood work results.

I am not at all satisfied.  My balance is still way off and I am dependent on others to stabilize.  I am using a walker to get around.  Dr. B and Irene see this dissatisfaction as exactly the proof that I will get better.  I hope they are right, but I can't get back to normal quickly enough.

Doug noticed that in the two instances where I had a seizure, it was five months after the Tarceva was stopped. Dr B agreed to a steady dose of Tarceva that will be less irritating to my stomach.  We've also cut down on the steroids to two a day.

Dr. Bonomi also recommended I consult with Dr. Gaura Marwhaa about trying radiation on theCauda Equina (Horse's Tail) at the base of the spine.Like the meningial lining in the brain, the spine has a meningial lining that has been affected by cancer.  It is possible that that is what is causing the numbness to my left leg and foot.  I have a consultation set up for this Tuesday, April 11 with Dr. Marwhaa.  It will be interesting to see what he has to say.

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