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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

1st Chemo plus 3 days

OK.  So today I finally felt fatigued right around noon for the first time.  In spite of that, I still managed to walk the dogs for a couple of miles and ride the recumbent stationary bike for 45 minutes in addition to a couple of naps and couch time reading.

Up until this afternoon I was feeling pretty normal, other than some fitful sleeping.  I blame the steroids for that.  Only one more day on a steroid for this cycle and then I'll be done with them until the next round.

I'm hoping the fatigue subsides a bit for tomorrow as I have a lot of activities planned. I will cancel some of them if I need to but I'd rather not.

So it hasn't been bad so far.  Let's hope it doesn't get any worse.  :)

1 comment:

Carol H. said...

OK, Poster Girl, I was not expecting you to have a recurrence, because you are SUPERWOMAN!!! (and we don't like to even think of 'drug resistance'). So, first, Jim and I are both sending "go away' vibes to the rogue villains.
We are so happy to read the chemo went smoothly. And of course you will be in the 50% success group. They don't stand a chance with you!!