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Monday, April 28, 2014

2nd Chemo Treatment Today

I had my second chemotherapy treatment today and all went smoothly.  My friend Nancy kept me company and the time went by very pleasantly, thanks to her. 

The blood work looked pretty good.  A few things are just slightly above or below normal range, but Irene, my oncology nurse, is "0%" concerned about any of the results, so nothing to worry about.

Irene said my reaction to the chemo should be the same as it was for the first one.  That means I will likely feel some fatigue starting this Wednesday midday and continue to have some midday fatigue Thursday and Friday.  By Saturday, I should feel totally normal.

Next chemo, May 19th, will also include a CAT scan of the lung so we should get a sense at that time for how the cancer is reacting to the chemotherapy treatment.  Hopefully, we will see some reduction in number and/or size of the cancer lesions.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Carol H. said...

DonnaLee, bloodwork sounds good. I expect the pups won't let you feel too tired on Wednesday.But, since they live in the moment, I expect they will happily nap with you :).
Wishing you wellness!! Love,Carol H>