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Monday, November 3, 2014

The Sound of Sound

Good news on the hearing front - I am happy to report that hearing is coming back to my right ear.  It still has the hissing of tinnitus most of the time and the clarity and volume of content the ear processes vary throughout the day, but I definitely have at least partial hearing in that ear.  I am about midway through my steroid treatment for this problem so I am hoping I will continue to see more progress.

I see the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor on Thursday morning and will have a follow up audiology test to see my progress.  I'll post results by Friday.

Today I had chemo for just one drug, Taxol.  Everything went smoothly. Including all the pre-medications to counteract the effects of the chemo drug, a total of about an hour and a half in the chair.

The hair is still hanging in there.  Still just losing it in little wisps when I shampoo, towel dry, blow dry or brush my hair.  I'm wondering if the steroids I'm taking for the ear issue might be slowing down the hair loss.  Whatever the reason for it, I'll take the extra weeks of having hair! :) 

Next week is my off-week - yippee!

The following Monday, November 17 will be the beginning of the third cycle (there are four all together) and will include the full chemo with all 3 drugs as well as a CAT scan for the lungs and an appointment with Dr. Bonomi.


Peg said...

Am loving the positive news of late. Thanks for the update, DonnaLee. Am keeping you in my heart & head & am sending love.

Anonymous said...

Well, for hair loss, Cassidy will say that he hasn't noticed anything, and as it is fall, a little shedding is in order.
Hearing? DL, tinnitus is not fun. But getting the hearing back is great news. Your story about the hearing loss reminds me about my sister w/ MS -- every little thing one assumes is related to the MS. Some time ago she was tripping a lot. She was thinking, "Oh. The drugs aren't working!" And then she discovered the sole of her shoe was loose. Such a relief...And such a relief to get a clear on your MRI.
Keep those wonderful positive thoughts you have. I send hugs to you and Doug, dog pats to your pups. And many good vibes. -Carol H.

sue m said...

Lots of love and positive thoughts going your way!